Consequences of Misbehavior and Non-Compliance

Consequences of Misbehavior and Non-Compliance

Inappropriate behavior is never ignored as discipline is intended to promote the learning of self-control and to change inappropriate behavior. So when there is non-compliance with the behavioral expectations of the code, appropriate consequences should be initiated.

The following principles must be applied:

  • Consequences will be appropriate for the student’s stage of development and in consideration of the student’s special needs.

  • Consequences will reflect the severity of misbehavior and take into account the frequency and duration of the misbehavior.

  • Consequences will be chosen primarily for their educational value.

  • Consequences will make sense to the student as much as possible.

  • Consequences will be appropriately timed.

When managing severely disruptive behaviors
• Appropriate action is always taken.

  • Immediate action is taken to bring a stop to the behavior.

  • Additional action in the form of an intervention should be designed in order to produce a constructive behavioral change.